Saturday, March 24, 2007

XNA project update

Still working on the Maya exporter. I may release the code or just the DLL for anyone to play around with it once it is complete enough. As for now it just exports a whole big pile of meshes in world space, taking into consideration lighting and texture coordinates cuts in them.

I still have some problems with non-coplanar polygons as I cheated a little when triangulating the mesh....I assumed most weren't so I could triangulate them myself using a simple triangle fan. This saved me quite some time but now I got to fix this. It's an iterative process...just wanted to get stuff on the screen as fast as possible. I just added the texture coordinates as well as before I only had the positions and the normals.

It's a long process building the rendering engine as well as the different exporters, you need to do a lot of back and forth between both. My exporter is fully written in C++ whereas my engine is written in C# using Microsoft XNA.

As for Maya, I can't say I like it that much compared to 3dsmax, even though it is surely better built. But then when it comes to the GUI, 3dsmax is much more simpler and straightforward to use most of the time. Maya seems like it was made by programmers...for programmers. It is somewhat logical, but cumbersome to use, it doesn't hide the complexity very well, if not at all.

I'll post new screenshots once I get my environment to display with materials and for now I don't even deal with different materials and textures, I'm not even exporting them right now, that'll be the next step toward success!

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